Multi Purpose Frying System

Multi Purpose Frying System

The Multi Purpose Continuous frying is Specially Designed For Non Floating Products it Has A dipping conveyor belt takes the Fried snacks through the frying oil.

The Multi Purpose Frying System is modern frying system which provides best frying environment which brings out the final product with best quality And The Multi Purpose snack fryer is suitable for a wide range of Floating & Non Floating Product.


Oil Filtration System

The Conveyor filter will remove the smallest particles of starch from the frying oil. The oil is filtered by means of a V-shaped conveyor belt for arresting crumbs and burned product during process to enhance product shelf life and to maintain oil quality

Control Panel

The electrical control panel houses all the starters, temperature controller and variable frequency drives for operation of equipments.

Main Features of Fryer

  • Low Cost Production
  • Low Fuel consumption
  • Low edible oil take-up


Model FBF-300 FBF-500 FBF-700 FBF-1000
Output /in Hour 300 Kg 500 Kg 700 Kg 1000 Kg
Fuel Option Conveyor Type Filtration System
Power Consumption in Wood Diesel/Gas/Wood/Thermic
Power Consumption in Diesel/Gas/ Thermic 11.5 Hp 15 Hp 17 Hp 22 Hp
Oil Holding Capacity In System 700 Litre 1000 Litre 1450 Litre 1650 Litre
Length & Width Of Line 21 Ft X 9.5 ft 21 Ft X 10 ft 22 Ft X 11.5 ft 23 Ft X 12.5 ft
Material Of Construction AISI 304 AISI 304 AISI 304 AISI 304